Canadian Equine sites webring logo. 
Horses, Canada, Canadian equine products, horse clubs, tack shopsWelcom to the Canadian Equine Webring.  
Horses, Canada, Canadian equine products, horse clubs, tack shops

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Do not rename the graphic image. Just cut and paste it to your page using the right mouse button or follow your browsers requirement(s). If you have any problems or questions, E-Mail me at and I'll help!

The Canadian Equine Sites Webring The Canadian Equine Sites Webring

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<!--begin canadian equine webring code--> <center> <table border="3" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#000000"> <tr> <td rowspan="2"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="canadianlogo.jpg" ALT="The Canadian Equine Sites Webring" border="0"width="190" height="155" align="left"></a></td> <td> <img src="canadiantitle.jpg" alt="The Canadian Equine Sites Webring" width="240" height="70"></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#ffffff"> <td><CENTER><P>[<FONT SIZE=-1> <A HREF=""> Prev</A> | <A HREF=""> Skip</A> | <A HREF=""> Next 5</A> | <A HREF=""> Random</A> | <A HREF=""> Next</A> ] <BR CLEAR=ALL> <A HREF="">Want to add your Canadian Equine site?</A></FONT></FONT></P></CENTER></TD> </TR> </TABLE></CENTER> <!--end canadian equine webring code-->
Just remember to change YOUR_ID_NUMBER to your site ID number!
After you have the graphics and the HTML in place, E-Mail the webmaster to verify your site and add you to the ring. That's all there is to it!

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